There are Republicans and there are Republicans

Guillermo Grenier
6 min readMar 20, 2021

At least on some of policy issues, Cuban Americans do not see eye-to-eye with today’s Republican Party. The question is, can the Democrats take advantage of the misalignment?

by Guillermo J. Grenier

March 19, 2021 (OnCuba News)

in Columns, It is not easy

Donald Trump supporters wave flags and signs at drivers passing in front of the convention center at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Saturday, February 27, 2021, in Orlando, Florida. (AP Photo/John Raoux)

“There are Cubans and there are Cubans.” With this phrase, sociologist Lisandro Perez and I cryptically signaled the diversity evident in the Cuban American population in the United States in one of our books years ago. It is a population, after all, that has continued to replenish itself with new arrivals and off-springs. It is a population that varies on the reasons its members left the homeland as well as on how way that they have been welcomed and incorporated into the U.S. socio/economic terrain. There are Cubans and there are Cubans. Some rich, some poor. Some eternally bitter, others eternally hopeful. Some feeling at home in the adopted country, others feeling alienated…



Guillermo Grenier

Havana born, U.S. educated sociologist. Critical. Long distance trekking is my meditation. Also my medication. See for the big picture.